Voice of the River

Ways to Wet Your Feet with the Volunteer Task Force this Summer

Three Ways to Get Involved this Summer

Thanks to a stellar team of committed volunteers the 2017 Gallatin River Fly Fishing Festival was a huge success! This year, we doubled our volunteer engagement, logging over 200 hours to plan and present the festival, and we even made the local news.

The busy summer field season has barely begun, and our work to protect clean water is far from over. Here are three ways to get involved this summer:

  1. Water Quality Monitoring: Beginning in late July, the Gallatin River Task Force will host a series of water quality monitoring events: stream insect collection on the Gallatin River (half day), 8 fine sediment surveys on tributaries in the Big Sky area (series of full to half days), and quarterly water quality monitoring event (full day). Email stephanie@gallatinrivertaskforce.org to express interest.
  2. Annual Upper Gallatin River Cleanup: Mark your calendars for the Annual Upper Gallatin River Cleanup on Thursday, August 31st at 2 PM. We’re looking for cleanup leaders to pick sections of river and recruit their friends. Email stephanie@gallatinrivertaskforce.org for more information.
  3. Sell 50/50 Raffle Tickets at the Big Sky PBR: The Gallatin River Task Force is the recipient of the 50/50 raffle on Friday, July 28th at the Big Sky PBR. The Task Force is seeking volunteers to join in the fun, and sell 50/50 raffle tickets between 4 PM and 8 PM. Email stephanie@gallatinrivertaskforce.org to get involved.

Apply to become a volunteer here!


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Strategic Planning Survey
Strategic Planning Survey

The Gallatin River Task Force (the Task Force) is asking for feedback as we develop a new strategic plan to identify organizational priorities and programs for the next three to five years.

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