Take the Pledge
For the River Pledge
Take the pledge “For the River” and commit to supporting the work of advocating for the Gallatin River and the initiatives needed to conserve, protect, and restore the Gallatin River for Future Generations
I support a clean and healthy Gallatin River.
I champion the work of the Gallatin River Task Force and commit to doing my part to conserve, protect, and restore the Gallatin River. This includes putting the Gallatin first, recreating responsibly, mindfully conserving water, advocating for the river, and encouraging my friends and family to do the same.
Montana boasts some of the most beautiful public lands and rivers in the world, and I understand how important it is to protect and conserve our outdoor spaces for future generations. The world-class Gallatin River is a treasured resource in Montana, and specifically in Big Sky and the Gallatin Valley. The river is vital to our outdoor economy, aquatic life, water supply, ranching and agriculture. Now, more than ever, the Gallatin River and its headwaters are facing increased threats from impacts of pollutants, climate change,rapid growth and visitation, and drought.
This pledge is my commitment to actively and mindfully participate in support of projects and initiatives that help protect the Gallatin River.
For the River
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