Jan 12, 2024 | Advocacy & Outreach
Water is a limited resource. More and more headlines report threats to water supplies, both here in Montana and across the West. Our community water resources are stretched to capacity, and regional and local water systems face impacts from drought and population...
Jul 28, 2023 | River Stories
Most of us learned in grade school that the earth’s surface is 71% water, and all life forms are composed primarily of water. But did you know that only 3% of our planet’s water is freshwater, and freshwater species are vanishing three to five times faster than their...
Jul 28, 2023 | Water Conservation
Having a landscape that works with a nuanced climate is not an easy task. Terms like drought prone, fire prone, noxious, resilient, water-wise and so forth are tossed around in conversations focused on changing the way we plan for and mitigate the effects of our...
Jul 7, 2023 | Restoration
As constant as the Gallatin River’s current are the ways in which we seek to access and enjoy all the experiences the river offers. The best spots are often secret ones; where you find the best fishing, the most serene riverside stroll, or the easiest launch spot for...
May 30, 2023 | Water Monitoring
When we talk about sources of pollution to rivers and streams, and more specifically about how different sources of pollution find their way into the Gallatin, we are talking about two distinct and different sources: point source, and nonpoint source (NPS) pollution....