Friends of the Gallatin Salmonfly Members Rick & Michelle Donaldson
Welcome to the Task Force’s new Friends of the Gallatin Tributary! Each month we will feature one of our contributing member’s stories of inspired giving to the Gallatin River. Everybody has a personal connection to the Gallatin, and this is an outlet for sharing those stories. We hope you enjoy getting to know the Friends of the Gallatin as much as we do!
Rick & Michelle Donaldson have rivers flowing through their hearts, from Michigan to Montana. Their passion for actively protecting rivers began on the Au Sable River in the northern part of the Lower Peninsula. They now reside along the banks of the Gallatin River, just north of Big Sky. The Donaldson’s joined the Task Force during Give Big Gallatin Valley in 2015, and Rick became a Board member in 2016.
For Michelle, rivers are the heart of the community … rivers connect people. For Rick, rivers are part of the beauty of a place. Rick and Michelle are concerned about the future health of rivers and the potential for a major catastrophe that cannot be reversed. Through active volunteerism and their membership, they are making an effort to protect the Gallatin River to ensure it will not be taken advantage of — now and in the future.
Thank you, Rick & Michelle, for supporting a healthy Gallatin River for future generations!
Are you interested in supporting the Gallatin River Task Force? There are lots of ways you can help the river that runs through the heart of southwest Montana: